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你而家係邊?Where are you now?今年4月剛剛搬回香港。 I just moved back to hometown Hong Kong around April 2020.
點解係返黎香港既?Why Hong Kong?下一步,先回家。在北京生活了四年再在歐洲和北非過來好幾個月,我發現香港這個城市繼續驕傲地繼續它的繁華,我喜歡它光鮮亮麗的外表,也佩服它固執堅持自我的傲氣,但是卻無法愛到長住在這裡為它療傷。我很清楚神用以西結書2章跟我說是時候回家了,神經常在塞島透過地中海的特產——蜜糖來跟我說話,說服我跟隨祂的路和吃蜜糖一樣的甜。香港這個地方很多的trauma,很多隱藏的恐懼,香港人很需要被牧養,卻也會很心硬。同時我也很期待爸爸帶我回家的工作。 When I was in Ywam Nuremberg I received a calling of returning back home and serve there. I thought I would work and serve somewhere else after I left Nuremberg but God was calling me back home and to serve as an intercessory missionary, to speak for him to the locals. Before that I do not have the courage to return home to deal with wounds and truamas existing in people's lives but since then, He gave me alot of insights and boldness to observe and reach to my own people. I'm anticipating His work in this beautiful city!
你而家做緊咩呢?What are you doing?現在是一個Freelancer過著自給自足的宣教士生活。 所以歡迎尤其是宣教機構任何攝影和Design邀約哈哈。 特別羨慕保羅,會自己做帳篷養活自己, 所以我也在進行Playlist Postcard的project呢。 接下來會加入YWAM香港(Harbour city)成為同工, 同時繼續在YWAM紐倫堡開始的200Postcards的事工。 Currently living as a photographer and design freelancer, I am working to earn my living since full-time missionaries have to meet their needs through continuous one-time or monthly donations and fundraising. Currently carrying out the "Very Hand Picked Playlist Project" and will be joining YWAM Harbour city Hong Kong soon. Also we are still take caring the 200 Postcards project that has started off in YWAM Nuremberg.
你作為宣教同工經濟上如何支持自己? How do you earn your living as a full time missionary?哇,這個太多人問了,不得不放在這裡一次過解答。 我很感恩,可以用神給我的恩賜養活自己。同時間也有收取不論是一次性還是每月的捐獻作為生活費。宣教士是一種工作,工人得工價也是對這份工作而言很無比的光榮。宣教士收來的每一份捐獻,每一份支持,不只是服侍下去的動力,更是大家對整個建立神的國度的參與。不只是前線同工,大家都有參與。作為前線宣教同工,也需要學會依靠世界不同地區肢體的幫助。支持者交出去的錢,就是換來自己對於使命的執著,換來自己對宣教工作的關心。 這樣事工才可以一無掛慮地走下去。 就算是賣東西,這一份Playlist Postcard也是帶著祝福別人的意思而萌生出來的idea,就是因為在乎消費者的生命,因為想傳達一些基督徒的理念。所以不僅基督徒可以賣東西,更需要努力的去賣,賣與之配得上的東西。可以支撐自己的生活,哪怕我只能給別人帶來一點點安慰或者是祝福,那又如何不可以呢。 As a full-time missionary, apart from freelance jobs I rely mostly on donations and fund raisings whether they are one off donations or monthly ones. I do not have a salary from the organization. As a missionary I learn to fully trust God in his provision and learn to receive help from bodies of Christ as a whole. As such, frontline missionaries are more bonded with supporters and churches also participating in part of the mission field. We are all hands and feets of Jesus in the nations. Recently I am also involved in the Playlist Postcard project hoping to give out encouragements in forms of music and illustrations and this has been my fund raising to earn my living here in my city. If you like these hand picked jams, join the jouney!
你的事工重點係?What is your focus and vision?刻下有感動在本地以禱告和敬拜去分享真理。 事工重點是推動宣教活動,和孩子們一起探索使命,一起分享福音,尤其是分享如何使用媒體,音樂和藝術表達方式參與整個事工。 也有計畫參與短期宣教活動(比如去尼泊爾和中國國內地區)。 我也在期待回北京和去韓國的朋友的教會分享,推動宣教。 My vision right now is to speak the truth with intercessions and worships to people in Hong Kong. My focus is to encourage the local youth to use creative media/arts to share the gospel and mobilize people to participate in the ministry. I am also planning to take teams to short term missions in different nations(say like I always wanted to do so in Nepal and parts of Mainland China). I’m also praying for opportunities to visit friends and bodies of Christ again in Beijing and Korea to encourage people to step into the ministry.
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